
Bullaun Stone

I was pleasantly surprised by the size of this bullaun stone. The large boulder is just under a metre in length with a rectangular shaped bullaun. The flat bottomed single basin is almost a quarter of a metre wide. I could not read the modern inscription carved onto the exterior of the stone, most of it was hidden beneath the moss. The stone is not marked in the correct location on the national monuments web site. It stands on the west side of a minor road that runs north from a t-junction.

Situated: Take the M11 south. Just after the new roundabout at the end of the M11 take the first left on the N11. About 1 kilometre down there is a road on your left. The bullaun is just up this road on your left.

Discovery Map 69: S 9982 3368. Last visit July 2019.

Longitude: 6° 31' 54" W

Latitude: 52° 26' 44" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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